Actively promote microsite as our main web page

We actively promote as our main web page separate from the city website; this allows us to create our own message that might be a little bit different from the city's message. Through that microsite, we’re able to let potential investors and site selectors know what the available opportunities are in Stockton with the available sites and buildings, as well as our demographic data. 

We definitely use the Intelligence Components internally to help find important demographic information for immediate areas. For example, recently we were trying to find a location for a potential client. We used ZoomProspector and the demographic information to put together a package. With that, they were able to see the daytime population, the drive time, and we pulled available properties in that immediate area to build a profile. 

Investors can easily research Opportunity Zones

We had been working with GIS Planning for a number of years on our microsite but when the federal tax incentive for the Opportunity Zones rolled around, we really wanted to make it easy for potential investors to see the opportunity that was in Stockton, considering we had 19 Opportunity Zones. 

We worked with the GIS Planning staff to develop our landing page for what we call the Opp Zones Stockton page. Working collaboratively with them, we were able to develop this landing page that included an interactive map with this Opp Zone layer set up for us, as well as putting some information about our prospectus and really displaying the available properties that are in Opportunity Zones, which actually pulls from their database. It's been a great tool for us. 

Builds rapport with our brokers

We’ve developed a working relationship with our local brokers and have recently started keeping them more in the loop about the activity with Brokers might say, “Why would we use this platform and we're using other platforms to market our sites?” We let them know that this is the city's economic development platform and share the activity that's happening there, what type of inquiries.

Beneficial for everyone

This has been beneficial to both us and them so that they could stay involved with responses. We utilize Lead Forensics and the backend analytics from ZoomProspector to let our brokers know the activity that's happening on the website, such as how many searches are being done, what type of properties are being searched for so that they can maintain their listings and upload marketing material and photos.

This work with our local brokers helps make sure that our property database is kept updated. It’s a nice way to build rapport and keep good relationships with local brokers because they get to see value in seeing how the site gets used.

GIS Planning staff are always willing to help

I have worked very closely with Jeff [GIS Planning’s Director of Client Services], and he's very responsive whenever I have a question. He’s always willing to help, there's always an opportunity to schedule meeting with him. He was a critical contributor in building the vision around what we wanted our landing page to look like. It was very helpful working with him and the team.