GIS Planning ZoomProspector label

Businesses seeking locations have questions

Our data tools give them the answers.
Put the power of true location analysis directly on your website so site selectors and businesses can research, analyze, and drill down into your data with an unparalleled range of analytical tools. ZoomProspector offers the newest version of online site selection web tools in the industry.

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ZoomProspector value proposition

Partnered with the best in the industry

Strategic partnerships with industry leaders offer our clients tremendous advantages

Give website visitors the tools they need to make their best decisions

Powerful location analysis for corporate site selection

Research and analyze properties and communities

Search an online database of available commercial and industrial properties based on a wide range of user-defined criteria. Research and analyze cities, counties and regions with robust demographic, labor force, consumer expenditure, wages, business, geographic, and talent data.

Drill into the data with a range of analytical tools

Dynamic searching means your website users can easily sort through and answer their own specific questions. Adjust reports on the fly by radius and drive time. Interactive tools such as the dragging radius, pinpoint, and free draw  invite prospective investors to focus on their areas of analysis.

Visual, dynamic and interactive

Choosing communities and properties for investment requires sorting through complex, multi-variable data. Your website users will appreciate being able to easily map and visualize data with layers, thematic heat maps, interactive map tools, charts, graphs, infographics & reports that can be dynamically sorted on the fly. No competing vendor offers this level of advanced functionality.

Share reports, maps, infographics and custom links

Sharing made easy. Your website users can generate links to custom maps for proposals, slide decks, and trade show collateral, drawing readers back to your website. Show off your robust data reports, Esri map layers, local data, and integrations with JobsEQ. Download charts, graphs, maps, and infographics as images. Share reports by email, social media, PDF or custom share link.

Customer Success

Local companies use ZoomProspector to better serve their customers

GIS Planning offers a very dynamic tool. It’s a time-saver for us. It allows us to prepare packets in house for prospects those that are visiting the area.

Andy Buffington

Business Marketing and Research Manager

Andy Buffington