Wages report: Annual and hourly salaries by occupation

Help site selectors and businesses understand the salary scales in your location with detailed data on wages by occupation.

Salary information offers insight into labor markets

Reliable wage data is an important part of the business location search process; it helps site selectors better understand labor value, productivity, workforce availability, and economic growth in your region.

GIS Planning icon calendar

Hourly and annual data

Select hourly or annual salary data and view both mean and median calculations in report results.

GIS Planning icon heat maps

Visualize data with heat maps

Click on any occupation and toggle individual jobs on and off according to category and seniority level. Information is displayed in thematic heat maps.

ZoomProspector hourly view
ZoomProspector heat map view
ZoomProspector sorting view

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A critical component for the 24/7 marketing of our region to the world

The transition to the new platform was one of the smoothest we have experienced with any online tool; GIS Planning did an incredible job.

Lauren Bryson

Executive Director

Lauren Bryson